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Gyeonggi Province to Support Up to 2 Million Won for Egg and Sperm Freezing Procedures…Enhanced Support for Youth Pregnancy and Childbirth

by 뉴스문(NEWSMOON) 2024. 8. 22.

Gyeonggi Provincial Office. (Photo = Gyeonggi Province)


Gyeonggi Province is introducing a new policy to address the low birthrate issue. To assist those who wish to become pregnant and give birth but are currently unable to do so due to circumstances, Gyeonggi Province is working on a plan to support up to 2 million won for egg and sperm freezing procedures.


On the 14th, Gyeonggi Province discussed this policy during the 6th Population and Low Birthrate Task Force meeting held at the provincial office's Seohui Hall. The support policy reflects trends such as delayed marriage, increased childbirth age, and rising demand for infertility treatments, aiming to alleviate the burden of procedure costs. The cost for egg and sperm freezing procedures ranges from 2.5 million to 5 million won per session and is not covered by health insurance, resulting in significant financial burdens.


Gyeonggi Province plans to support pre-procedure tests, procedure costs, and initial storage fees (one-time) for up to 600 individuals, including women and men aged 20 to 49. The plan under consideration includes providing up to 2 million won for women and up to 300,000 won for men, with implementation expected to start next year.


Additionally, Gyeonggi Province will expand the programs at the Gyeonggi Region Infertility and Depression Counseling Center to respond to the demand for infertility counseling. The province has already removed income criteria and increased the number of infertility treatment supports to assist infertility households.


Furthermore, the Gyeonggi Province Population and Low Birthrate Task Force operates 43 youth centers to support various youth activities. To provide more opportunities for youth to meet and interact naturally, 104 private facilities (cafes, studios, etc.) are being operated as community-based youth spaces.


These spaces provide integrated youth policy information, job and entrepreneurship support, networking, and hobby and leisure activities. Plans are in place to secure more spaces and diversify youth activity programs next year.


This policy is part of Gyeonggi Province's efforts to address the low birthrate issue and support healthy pregnancies and childbirth for the youth, with expectations for strong positive responses from residents.





Gyeonggi Province to Support Up to 2 Million Won for Egg and Sperm Freezing Procedures…Enhanced Support for Youth Pregnancy an

Gyeonggi Province is introducing a new policy to address the low birthrate issue. To assist those who wish to become pregnant and give birth but are currently
